Tag Archives: bodyweight

BICEPS AND BACK (07.02.15)

Training day 1

After every exercise you should rest 45 seconds – 1 minute.
After every completed round rest for about 3 minutes.


Negative chin ups – 4
Incline chin ups – 7 reps
Close grip chin ups – 4


Pull ups – 3
Wide pull ups – 3

I did this routine yesterday, and though I was not able to complete every rep my goal now is to keep training with this program until i can complete every repetition in every exercise.

The main goal is to exercise 3 – 4 days a week. One day at the time.



Heyo, fellow athletes!

From of today I am doing handstands every day until my Christmas vacation arrives.

This is how the program looks like –


(How long you are able to keep a steady handstand depends from person to person. Do 10 seconds of handstand hold for 3 rounds if thats were your at right now. In a week you are doing 20 seconds)

Handstand – 1 minute (hold)
Rest for 2 minutes
Handstand – 1 minute (hold)
Rest for 2 minutes
Handstand – 1 minute (hold)

*Claps yourself on the back* daily handstand challange done for the day.

The reason for this challange is simple .. I came across this article –

Second, I figured since I`m working on becoming a musicalartist, handstands could suddenly become an importante asset to a play or musical.

But mainly I`m doing this to strenghten my core and body.



I am back and writing at last .. Reasons why I haven`t be able to write these last couple of months – school ..

I know I haven`t been writing for Shapeityourway in a while, but I have still kept the training going. It hasn`t been easy to find time to write.
But from today on and until Christmas I will use at least 20 minutes of my day for training, and 20 minutes to write my progressions and workouts ..


Wide pushups – 10 reps

Close up pushups – 10 reps

Regular pushups – 10 reps

Pushup hold – 30 sec

3 minute rest between rounds

x3 rounds

Because you don`t rest between sets the different exercises will put more pressure on your muscles a lot faster. So, as your chestmuscles are failing there is no shame in putting your knees to the ground for support. It gives you more room for repetitions, and for you to really tear down your chestmuscles.


This program is inspired by Brendan Meyers. Check out this link: http://youtu.be/BBwz7yh-f2o

The video above is for beginners so I added more reps to the different exercises bellow to raise the difficulty.



Pushups – 12 reps, Close pushups – 2 reps
Clap pushups w knee assisted – 12 reps
Explosive ground pushups – 12 reps
Pushups w feet elevated – 12 reps
Wide pushups – 10 reps, Close pushups – 10 reps
Max pushups



Hi! A workout did appear today! Me and my roommate went up to Tufteparken to focus on our arms. The session ended about an hour ago.


Shoulder width chinups – 12 reps
Shoulder width australian chinups – 12 reps
Dips – 6 reps
Dips on bench – 20 reps

If doing full chinup repetitions are hard, just focus on doing negative chinups until your strong enough to do 10 – 12 full repetitions. Negative reps means, starting at the top then slowly elevate to bottom. At the moment I’m only able to do 4 – 6 full reps.

This is a picture of the muscles trained by doing dips. I just love this exercise! A good way to shape your shoulders.


Long time no see guys! I was suppose to write this post last week, and I really thought I would have the time to it. But i have been busy attending something called fadderuken at my school. To give you the short and simple version, it’s basically a week were we drink beer and get to know each other better before the actual studies starts.
But since today and tomorrow are alcohol free days I decided to complete a workout.

Here is my abs workout, inspired by a street workout athlete named ShekoFitnessMk. Most of these exercises are put together by him.


L-sit – 1 min(round 1), 30 sec + 30 sec(round 2), 20 sec + 20 sec + 20 sec(round 3)
Crunches – 30 reps
Lying leg raises – 20 reps
Oblique side crunches left – 20 reps
Oblique side crunches right – 20 reps
Bicycle crunches – 30 reps
Knee hugs – 20 reps
Toe touches – 20 reps
Plank – 1 min
1 minute break between rounds

This routine will work your abdominal muscles hard!
Who needs a diet when you got this!

Good to be back! Have a great week everyone!


I feel like the picture above needs an explanation so you guys don`t think I just post beautiful but out of the blue pictures. I chose this one because it left me the feeling of, everything is possible. And the quote everything is possible relates very good towards training and what I wan`t to achive.


Yesterday Shapeityourway hit a new record in most views on the site, so thank you so much! I will  keep updating the site, session after session, and you are more then very welcome to follow the progress. Also, if you have any comments and/or tips I will appreciate every word of it!

Bellow is my Tuesday session. In other words, lower body focus.


Lower body:

(For the squat exercises I like to put my hands behind my head to increase the difficulty)

Squats – 20 reps
Calf raises left, right – 20 reps
Lunges left. right – 20 reps
Squat jumps – 20 reps
Wall-sit – 1 minute

x3 – 4 rounds
3 min break between rounds


You may think the session looks easy, but I can promise you fire, hurt and burns in your second round, into third. 

I had planned out a core/abs workout today too but instead I will include that program into my back and chest program tomorrow. That will happen at St. Hanshaugen, and I am very excited to be back there! See you tomorrow!  



Today me and a good buddy of mine headed up to the park at around 10.30 to complete a session on bicep and tricep. At the moment the exercises is pretty hard to nail, and I am only able to do 4 – 8 reps on the different bar exercises. But I realized that I am  no longer lifting weights at 25lbs anymore, but my own bodyweight. I`m guessing after a few weeks in training I can add 4 more reps to my 8.

Anywho, these are the exercises done for today ..


Arms (bicep, tricep):

Shoulder width chinups – 5 reps
Dips – 4 reps
Close grip australian chinups – 5 reps
Bench dips – 23 reps


A pretty short session, but tough.

bilde 1 (1)bilde 2 (1)


Yesterday I tried to find some of the best exercises for back and shoulders, if you, like me, don`t have access to a chinup bar. I searched the internett, I contacted people who is experienced with street workout and calisthenics. One of the exercises that came up was called L-sit. I wrote it down in my program of the day. If you feel like the routines on back and shoulders isnt tough enough (cause I wasnt satisfied), I can promise you that the core section of the program won`t disappoint.



Spiderman – 1 minute
Downward dog pushups – 10 reps
Wallslide – 1 minute


Bodyweight row – 12 reps
High plank, arms straight pushups – 1 minute
Superman – 1 minute


L-sit assisted w straight feet on the ground – 1 minute
Mountain climber – 1 minute
Plank – 1 minute
Leg raises – 1 minute
Side situps, left, mid, right – 1 minute
Toe touches – 1 minute
Bicycle situps – 1 minute
x2 – 3


That was my program for Thursday. I promise I will find us more bodyweight exercises for back and shoulders for next time! Though I hope it will do some wonders for you. I know the core routine will.

Hope your having a great day where ever you are! I`ll see you next week for my Monday workout, were I will be back at Barry`s. Excited!


I promised a detailed article about street workout and calisthenics, but to be honest I want to put that on hold for a while, until I am more experienced. But what I can do, is write down my workout of the day! If you feel like doing this I can promise you burns already through the first round. From the way it felt during and still feels after training it should have a good impact on your muscles. So have fun! 


One leg squat jump foot raise right – 25 reps
One leg squat jump foot raise left – 25 reps
Jumping lunges – 15 reps
One leg wallsit right foot raise – 5 reps
One leg wallsit left foot raise – 11 reps
Jumping squats – 20 reps
Static hold w pulses – 23 pulses


Rememeber, these are my repetitions. Work in your own speed and do your own repetitions. Also, the reps that are set is just for my first round. For the two last rounds I keep the exercises going until muscle failure. 

If you tried the workout and it really set your legs on fire, give me a comment. 
If I should include an exercises to improve the program, give me a comment.
If you have any tips, please share it.
If you have a training blog, give me a replay so I can check it out. 

Thank you and see you all later, buddies!