Tag Archives: abdominals


Long time no see guys! I was suppose to write this post last week, and I really thought I would have the time to it. But i have been busy attending something called fadderuken at my school. To give you the short and simple version, it’s basically a week were we drink beer and get to know each other better before the actual studies starts.
But since today and tomorrow are alcohol free days I decided to complete a workout.

Here is my abs workout, inspired by a street workout athlete named ShekoFitnessMk. Most of these exercises are put together by him.


L-sit – 1 min(round 1), 30 sec + 30 sec(round 2), 20 sec + 20 sec + 20 sec(round 3)
Crunches – 30 reps
Lying leg raises – 20 reps
Oblique side crunches left – 20 reps
Oblique side crunches right – 20 reps
Bicycle crunches – 30 reps
Knee hugs – 20 reps
Toe touches – 20 reps
Plank – 1 min
1 minute break between rounds

This routine will work your abdominal muscles hard!
Who needs a diet when you got this!

Good to be back! Have a great week everyone!