Tag Archives: fun


I promised a detailed article about street workout and calisthenics, but to be honest I want to put that on hold for a while, until I am more experienced. But what I can do, is write down my workout of the day! If you feel like doing this I can promise you burns already through the first round. From the way it felt during and still feels after training it should have a good impact on your muscles. So have fun! 


One leg squat jump foot raise right – 25 reps
One leg squat jump foot raise left – 25 reps
Jumping lunges – 15 reps
One leg wallsit right foot raise – 5 reps
One leg wallsit left foot raise – 11 reps
Jumping squats – 20 reps
Static hold w pulses – 23 pulses


Rememeber, these are my repetitions. Work in your own speed and do your own repetitions. Also, the reps that are set is just for my first round. For the two last rounds I keep the exercises going until muscle failure. 

If you tried the workout and it really set your legs on fire, give me a comment. 
If I should include an exercises to improve the program, give me a comment.
If you have any tips, please share it.
If you have a training blog, give me a replay so I can check it out. 

Thank you and see you all later, buddies!